Chen Li

RSS: Why and How?

RSS, personal website and the word “neat” shared a lot in common, one of which is that they died out at the beginning of this century but have become more useful ever since.

§1 Why?

The whole goal of RSS is to keep it simple. I don’t want to check a lot of websites over and over again. Something should be read and then forgotten, unless it’s important, in which case I will mark it down.

§2 How?

My requirements:

  • multi-platform.
  • browser extension or website.
  • don’t have to open a server myself.

The free service of Feedly is fine with me, you can

For what’s not there (say social media account), try RSSHub. But I have to say that you need to open your own server to get it work smoothly, because some of the URLs they provided do not work all the time. I want to cut down social media anyway, so this might be a good thing.

Also, Building your personal RSS on GitHub is fun, but I don’t want to repeat what I have done for the personal website all over again.