List of a Folder
§1 path
In Windows, to get the list of all the files in a folder:
Create a .txt file.
Open it with notepad. Copy and paste the following commands:
@echo off dir %1 /s/b > %~n1.txt
Or, if you don’t want the list of what’s in the subdirectory:
@echo off dir %1 /b > %~n1.txt
Rename it getList.bat (“getList” could be anything.)
Drag the target folder to this .bat file.
§2 path & size
Only the code in step 2. is different:
@echo off
( for /r %1 %%i in (*) do @echo %%~fi ^(%%~zi bytes^)) > %~n1.txt
And, to convert bytes to GB, use this python code:
import re
# open original.txt, create new.txt
with open('original.txt', 'r') as f1, open('new.txt', 'w') as f2:
for line in f1:
# use regular expressions to match file size information
match ='(\d+)\sbytes', line)
if match:
# get the file size information
size_bytes = int(
# convert bit to GB
size_gb = size_bytes / 1024**3
# write to new.txt
new_line = re.sub(r'(\d+)\sbytes', f'{size_gb:.2f} GB', line)
# if file size information is not matched, write the original line
April 23, 2023 ∙