Markdown Style
If you don’t know what it is, I recommend you should just play with it and don’t care about the style.
Obsidian is the text editor that I’m using. I like workspaces and double link feature.
§1 General
Markdown Guide is good as a quick introduction.
The thing about Markdown style is that every text editor has its own accent. I suggest using the universal ones, not the ones that a certain text editor created. Also, the best way to read this article is to copy and paste what’s in the code block, and see if it fits your text editor.
§2 This and That
§2.1 Use Blank Lines!
use blank lines!
use blank lines!
use blank lines!
use blank lines!
See Let Your Markdown Breathe! - Remember to insert blank lines between different Markdown elements.
§2.2 Only Use _
for Bold and Italic
Bold _and_ Italic
Bold __and__ Italic
Bold ___and___ Italic
§2.3 In the Middle of a Sentence, use *
for Bold and Italic
But to tell you the truth, I haven’t seen anyone write like this.
§2.4 Only use -
for Unordered Lists
As I said, there are a lot of Markdown accent, but -
is universal. Also, this is in agreement with §2.2, so that you can only use the -
key on the keyboard.
- unordered lists
§2.5 Four Spaces in Lists
This is a fun coincidence with Python.
- First paragraph
Still first paragraph
- Second paragraph
1. First paragraph
Still first paragraph
2. Second paragraph
To do list too:
- [ ] hurry
- [ ] up,
- [ ] now!
§2.6 Quote and Code Block in List
Again, four spaces. But in Obsidian, these are shown correct in reading mode, shown werid in editing mode. See Code blocks nested in lists render in editor as if at top-level.
- Quote:
>This is the quote.
- Code Block:
x = x + 1
By the way, when you write verbatim text that contains three backticks (ie. code block in code block), you have to use four backticks to wrap the text. See The Two Surprisingly Hard Things about the Otherwise Simple Markdown - Writing three backticks verbatim, and understanding nested lists.
§2.7 Equations
Different Markdown accent handle equations differently, see 混乱的 Markdown 世界. And for Obsidian:
1. display equations: $$\begin{aligned} E_0&=mc^2 \\\ E^2&=(mc^2)^2+(pc)^2 \end{aligned} \tag{1}$$where $c = 3 \times 10^8 \space \mathrm{m/s}$
2. or inline equations: $\vec{F} = m \ddot{\vec{x}}$.
§2.8 Two Pictures Alignment
Use table (compared with inserting html <>
and all that, this is easier to read):
Most text editors show the picture with modified proper size. But for some text editors, when the picture is too big, you should reduce pixel size of the picture before showing it in the table. This is the case for remark and DrSlidelove. But you can solve it by putting it in a table.
§3 使用中文时
§3.1 空格
我们可以 `from scipy import interpolate` 来解决这个 interpolation 问题。
§3.2 引用诗词
如何在 Markdown 中引用诗词或歌词的引用方式在 Obsidian 可能不是最好的解决方法,可以直接每行右边没有空格,见 Blockquotes with Multiple Paragraphs: