Chen Li

Machine Learning Notes: Mojonization

mojonization: n. the migration and translation from Python to Mojo, the superset of Python. (Yeah I made up this word, as far as I know. Cross Mojonization is a totally different thing.)

Python is pesdo-code that works, and Mojo is pesdo-code that works high performantly.

This article summarizes this process and is my notes / cheat sheet. Note that Mojo is relatively new and some rules might be changing rapidly, thus this article can be outdated easily. So please always check the official documents.

The following content is based on what happened in a .ipynb file, to run a .mojo or .🔥 file, see Build and run Mojo source files.

§1 Mojo Language Basics

This is my notes from Mojo language basics and Mojo programming manual.

§1.1 var & let

You can declare variables with var to create a mutable value, or with let to create an immutable value. Although types aren’t required, it’s recommended to do so. You can check all the types in Mojo at Modular Docs - int or Modular Docs - dtype. For example:

var a = 1
var b: Int = 1
let c = 1
let d: Int = 1
let e: Float64 = 1.0

Always do these declaration at the beginning of code, because:

  • Redefining implicit variables is not supported (variables without a let or var in front). If you’d like to redefine a variable across notebook cells, you must introduce the variable with var (let variables are immutable).
  • You can’t use global variables inside functions—they’re only visible to other global variables.

§1.2 fn

fn is similar to def in Python. And Mojo supports def too. Types are required for arguments and return values for a fn function.

§1.2.1 Immutable Arguments: borrowed

  • If the arguments of the function are immutable:
    fn add(borrowed x: Int, borrowed y: Int) -> Int:
        return x + y
    c = add(1, 2)
    will get:

§1.2.2 Mutable Arguments: inout

  • If the arguments are mutable:
    fn add_inout(inout x: Int, inout y: Int) -> Int:
        x += 1
        y += 1
        return x + y
    var a = 1
    var b = 2
    c = add_inout(a, b)
    will get (Note that a and b has changed):

§1.2.3 Transfer Arguments: owned & ^

  • If the arguments are immutable but you still want to modify it without affecting variables outside the function (This is normally what would happen in Python that global variables (variables outside the function) won’t change.)

    fn add_owned(owned x: Int, owned y: Int) -> Int:
        x += 1
        y += 1
        return x + y
    let a = 1 # or var a = 1
    let b = 2 # or var b = 2
    c = add_owned(a, b)

    will get:



    fn add_owned(owned x: Int, owned y: Int) -> Int:
        x += 1
        y += 1
        return x + y
    c = add_owned(1, 2)

    will get:

  • ^ will destroy local variable (variable inside the fn):

    fn add_owned(owned x: Int, owned y: Int) -> Int:
        x += 1
        y += 1
        return x+y
    fn main():
        let a: Int = 1 # or var a = 1, this will get a warning to suggest using let because a is never mutated
        let b: Int = 2
        let c: Int # late initialization
        c = add_owned(a^, b^)

    will get an error at print(a) because a has been destroyed. And

    fn add_owned(owned x: Int, owned y: Int) -> Int:
        x += 1
        y += 1
        return x+y
    fn main():
        let a: Int = 1 # or var a = 1, this will get a warning to suggest using let because a is never mutated
        let b: Int = 2
        let c: Int # late initialization
        c = add_owned(a^, b^)
        # print(a)
        # print(b)

    will get:


In summary, in practice I will probably:

  • use Transfer Arguments (owned and ^)
  • start by writing var and then change it into let according to the warning.

§1.3 struct

struct is similar to class in Python:

struct MyPair:
    var first: Int
    var second: Int

    fn __init__(inout self, first: Int, second: Int):
        self.first = first
        self.second = second
    fn dump(self):
        print(self.first, self.second)

let mine = MyPair(2, 4)

will get:

2 4

§1.4 Python packages

from python import Python

let np = Python.import_module("numpy")
let pd = Python.import_module("pandas")
let plt = Python.import_module("matplotlib.pyplot")

ar = np.arange(15).reshape(3, 5)

will get:

[[ 0  1  2  3  4]
 [ 5  6  7  8  9]
 [10 11 12 13 14]]
(3, 5)

§2 Tensor

I referred to Introduction to Tensors in Mojo🔥 - YouTube and Modular Docs - tensor.

from tensor import Tensor
from random import rand

var t = rand[DType.float32](3,3)

# or
# alias type = DType.float32
# var t = rand[type](3,3)
  1. Print:
  • .shape().__str__()


    will get:

  • .spec().__str__()


    will get:

  • .num_elements()


    will get:

  • tensorprint()

    from tensorutils import tensorprint

    will get:

      [[0.1315   0.4586   0.2189]
       [0.6788   0.9346   0.5194]
       [0.0345   0.5297   0.0076]]
    Tensor shape: 3x3 , Tensor rank: 2 , DType: float32
  1. Do vectorized (faster) math:
from math import round
from algorithm import vectorize
from import simdwidthof

alias type = DType.float32
var t = rand[type](3,3)

alias simd_width: Int = simdwidthof[type]()

fn tensor_math_vectorized(t: Tensor[type])->Tensor[type]:
    var t_new = Tensor[type](t.shape())
    fn vecmath[simd_width: Int](idx: Int)->None:
        t_new.simd_store[simd_width](idx, round(t.simd_load[simd_width](idx)))
    return t_new


will get:

  [[0.7564   0.3653   0.9825]
   [0.7533   0.0726   0.8847]
   [0.4364   0.4777   0.2749]]
Tensor shape: 3x3 , Tensor rank: 2 , DType: float32

  [[1.0   0.0   1.0]
   [1.0   0.0   1.0]
   [0.0   0.0   0.0]]
Tensor shape: 3x3 , Tensor rank: 2 , DType: float32

§3 Conda & torch

Cross Platform Mojo App with Conda, PyTorch and Matplotlib - YouTube explains how to install conda and torch with mojo.

§4 Other Documents

Mojo programming manual explains why Mojo is designed in this way. I will look it up when facing bugs. I learned C++ years ago and I haven’t really learned Rust. I’m not familiar with Lifetime, Pointer, etc.

Modular AI Engine is about Modular AI Engine, which is not publicly available yet.